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From small tilted 3M domes for trade events to large 30M Super Reality Domes for festivals, we offer a huge range of products that can be bought ‘off the shelf’, or customised to suit exact needs of our clients.

Standard or Customised

Our standard domes can be bought ‘off the shelf’ with popular sizes held in stock in our offices around the world. Customised domes, on the otherhand are designed and manufactured to our client’s exact specifications.

Standard domes

  • Sizes: 2.5M to 35M
  • Held in stock: 5M, 7M, 10M
  • Ideal for: Indoor & temporary installations
  • Timeframe: 2 weeks to 4 weeks (if in stock), 90 days (if not in stock)*

Customised Domes

  • Sizes: Any size possible!
  • Ideal for: Indoor, outdoor, temporary & permanent installations
  • Timeframe: Impossible to define as every project is unique. but as a guideline, anywhere between 90 days and 9 months!

Open or Enclosed

We manufacture both open and enclosed domes. An enclosed dome incorporates walls that meet the floor as well as some form of entrance. An open dome usually sits on a stand, is elevated off the floor, and doesn’t include a single entrance. 

Open Dome

  • Designed for: Indoor display
  • Sizes: Any size possible!
  • Screen Type: Horizontal, Tilted, Vertical

Enclosed Dome

  • Designed for: Indoor & outdoor display
  • Sizes: 5M to 37M+
  • Screen type: VR, Super Reality, Horizontal, Tilted

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